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Israel E-commerce | What is the time and cost of Israel Express for Makeup set and eyeshadow palette?

cross border logisticsSome time ago, a customer came to inquire about the cost and time of our Israel Express.


He is a cross-border seller in the Israeli e-commerce market, who sell mainly makeup products (eyeshadow palette, highlighter, blush, etc.) by express. Despite not containing liquids, makeup products are sensitive cargo and need to be shipped through special line, which few logistics providers can handle. Thanks to years of experience in Israel e-commerce logistics, we have accumulated large business resources, which enable us to receive general, electric and sensitive cargo. We also offer relatively cheaper prices since we transport large volumes of cargo routinely.



For Israel Express (sensitive goods), our quotation in June was 100 yuan/KG (deliver to the store), and the registration fee was 30 yuan/unit. Our solution for the customer was to put 3 products (makeup set) in a package, and the value of the products was within the tax-free range (USD75), the gross weight was 450 grams, and the initial quotation was 75 yuan. After the customs clearance was completed in Israel, the package was delivered to the store, and the delivery status could be checked in real time on our official website/WeChat applet.


At the same time, we recommended the seller store hot-selling products in Israel warehouses, and adopt drop shipping, which would reduce the overall logistics cost by at least 30%. The logistics efficiency was greatly improved, which also helped reduce returns caused by slow transportation.


Therefore, the customer decided to try a few orders first. After these packages was delivered, he made his mind to choose our service (Israel Express + Warehouse). Now he is considering our global return service to help him handle returns and exchanges in destination countries covering Spain, France, and Australia.